Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

My most recent texting conversation... I'm not even sure what to call this guy, but by the end I was definitely baiting him for my own entertainment purposes. There was a strange obsession with an App called WhatsApp, I refused to download it on my phone - here's how it went down...

Can you please help do something?
I want you to download WhatsApp because it's easy to use.
    I don't want it on my phone.
Because I cannot continue like this
    Well, I'm sorry to hear that you can't continue to text message on your phone.
WhatsApp is easy to text and do video call.
    Your cell phone can't text or do video call?
What do you mean?
    Never mind.
So please let use that communicate
    This isn't going to work. Good luck on your search for the perfect WhatsApp girl.

…. oh here's where it gets good. My mom called and I ended up on the phone with her for 15 minutes. Here is how that went down.

Are you mad at me?


Because I want us to be happy but you don't like it.

Please I like you and I do not like I will not message you but you misunderstood me. Am a good man.
Sine you are mad at because I said the truth. Remember I like you and your son. I want us to become one family. Please since you don't like the app, can we be still texting here?

You are hurting me, this is how feel now. So sad because you stop talking to me.

Maybe you are not real that's why you don't want me to see you on camera. Good Luck.

Good Bye Scammer.

… at this point I get off the phone and read the messages.
    I was on the phone with my mother.
You annoyed me
    So I wasn't able to answer your text messages. You can call me whatever you would like, I know who I am.
You made me to
    I am not interested in a relationship with you.
Ass hole
You are a scammer
Wrong Target
    Good luck with your hunt for the perfect woman. I truly hope you find her.
Stop texting me bye for good.

…. okay, I admit it - I couldn't resist baiting this jerk at this point

    …. out of sheer curiosity, what do you think I'm trying to scam out of you?
You made me to say that.
Because any woman on dating site who do not like to come on camera could be a scammer. That's why I taught that. I had so many experience so that's why I want to make sure that I will not fall victim again but you misunderstood me.
    I send you two pictures. I'm not sure how it is my fault that those pictures didn't show up on your cellphone. Perhaps you need to upgrade your technology. Also, you have not bothered to send me any pictures, so how do I know you are not a scammer?  I can not imagine why any self respecting woman would allow you to speak to her like you did to me. It's disrespectful.
Am not a scammer. Am 100% real. I have videos.
    So you can think of me as a scammer and you want to call me every name under the sun. I have too much respect for myself and my child to be with a man like that.
Am sorry please. Let by gone be by gone.
    When you throw a stone and a window breaks, can you say I'm sorry and that window is magically fixed? Can you let by gone be by gone and ignore that window?
It's not my fault because the way you ay I should go look for a whatapp girl made me to say that. It's also a disrespectful too. We all got fault.
   Your words speak volumes for the person you are and that is not the person I want to date nor the person I would want as a role model for my son.
Ok but am sorry. I got annoyed.
    I truly do hope that you are able to find the perfect woman you are searching for, but that woman isn't me.
Ok, thanks, Good luck. You can not believe what you made me say what I said.
    I have no control over what you choose to write. That's all you. We all make our own choices in life. I understand that you were frustrated however I found your response to that frustration to be inappropriate and disrespectful.
Ok, you are hurting me now. Stop, it's better I die before you hurt my feelings. You are hurting our feelings.

I truly feel sorry for whatever girl is desperate enough to date this gem... This looney tune is now blocked from my phone, but hey... he made an entertaining blog.


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