A year... .and a day

361 days ago I got a message over Facebook.

"Stephanie, can I ask you who your husband is...?"

After a bit more back and forth conversation and some picture proof I realized that my husband, who had been devoted to working on the house he purchased for us, wasn't really working on the house. He was spending time with his new wife and her kids. I've spent the better part of a year dwelling and obsessing... where is he..? what is he doing..? WHO is he doing..? This was followed by the Why's. Why me? Why her? and the what's... What did I do wrong?

I was laying in bed last night thinking about everything when my thoughts changed. They changed to everything that is great going on. I have an amazing group of friends who have been so supportive of the ups and downs the past year. I've made new friends, grown closer with some friends and have gotten to the point where I can date a wonderfully understanding guy, who I am continually thankful for. I've realized which friends are worth the time spent devoted to the friendship and which friends are truly just acquaintances you wave at in the supermarket or like their Facebook posts.. I've learned, I've grown and I've learned some more. It's a process that has helped me to remember who I am and not who he made me. I even took wreck the dress pictures, which was one of the defining moments for me of who I am, not who he made me to be.

I enjoy being me, I enjoy my life and the people who I am lucky enough to have in it.


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