Leaving 2017 in the dust
2017 was a rough year for me. I found out H2 (husband #2) married someone else, while we were still married. We were under contract for too many houses to count, my apartment was packed and we were moving. I found out H2 was nothing but a narcissistic con artist who got off on taking advantage of me. H2 lied to me to the point where he told me he had cancer (seriously, who lies about that!). Everytime I came near to catching on to his scheme he would light fireworks in the opposite direction and completely divert my attention. At one point my dad very articulately pointed out that H2 and Donald Trump have A LOT in common and no, that's not a good thing.
I've gone from a reality where I was so on edge I thought I was losing my mind (precisely where he wanted me) to somewhere in between where I finally feel like i'm back in control of myself without having to walk on pins and needles. I've also learned that a good therapist is worth their weight in gold. At first I was so hesitant to see a therapist, I didn't want to admit that I was losing my mind. However it dawned on me that if my leg was broken, i'd go to the doctor - well, my brain was on the verge of a mental breakdown and I was unable to process everything so I went to a therapist. She's helped me to see things for what they were, i've come to realize that I don't need to know why H2 was a jerk, I understand that it was him and there is nothing wrong with me. It's taken me a long time to realize, it wasn't me.
I spent the first day of 2018 at home. Cleaning, watching a movie and just generally getting stuff done. It was nice, I did things on my time frame and it no longer looks like a Christmas bomb went off in my house. I went into the new year thinking 2018 can't be worse than 2017 - which does have some truth to it. However, after a day of reflecting and hanging out at home i've realized that I was looking at everything the wrong way. 2018 is going to be what I make of it, yes 2017 will continue to creep in as long as the divorce isn't' finalized (it's looking like we might have to go to trial somewhere in July, minimally mediation in the next couple months) but i'm going to try my damndest not to let it drag me into the circular black vortex that is H2.
My question to you, my awesome readers (89 of you read my last blog, that's AMAZING) is what are you leaving in 2017 that you refuse to carry into 2018?
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