Let the crazy flag fly....

Oh. My. Goodness.... wait until you guys here about this one... I can't even think up an interesting name to call the guy. Lets just call him something boring, like George.

George and I had plans on Saturday to go down to Brooklyn Brothers Pizza and hit up Funko. Since I had an minor oral surgery on Thursday and George had to work till one, we put off the date until Sunday. It was fine by me, I spent Saturday at home watching Netflix and doing laundry.

Sunday rolled around and I put on a pair of jeans and a cute shirt, dressing up wasn't on my list of things to do. I wasn't sure what I thought of George, we had been talking for awhile and he seemed nice. I got to Brooklyn Brothers (not before shooting off a text to my wonderful neighbor letting her know where I was) and we grabbed a seat. The conversation was fine, nothing super interesting. I felt like I yammered on a bit more than usual, but it kept things going at least. The lunch was uneventful, he told me about his plans to buy some property and live on it in a trailer with his kids. He seemed to think that camping everyday would be a blast for them. He only has every other weekend custody, so who am I to judge... There were a few other strange things that came up, but nothing super weird. We walked from the pizza joint up to Funko and wandered around. About half way through Funko he looks over to me and asks if I think there is chemistry... I guess there was some, he then wanted a very awkward hug. At that point I started steering him to the door and we headed back to our cars. I kept my distance, avoiding a kiss goodbye and headed out.

Then it got weird.

Monday morning I got a text message where he was talking about the jacket he had worn on our date, how some comedian wore it better. I looked it up and the comedian was pretty bad looking so i'm not sure where he was headed. I made the choice to comment on his hot wife (she was super pretty!). He made some comment about being friends first because we barely knew each other, at that point I was lost. Here's how the conversation went:

Him: I like to go slow. I want to be a race car mechanic before a boyfriend.
Me: Who said anything about boyfriend? I think something got misconstrued.
Him: Oh, okay, I don't know what you talked to anyone about. I felt chemistry of all kinds. Enough to make a bomb.
Me: Ok....
Him: I'm too small town for the city girl that you are, perhaps
Me: I'm lost as to where this is coming from.
Him: I shouldn't bring you to my town very soon then. I might lose my job when bossman comes back from vacation. You have me more distracted than I thought.
Me: Are you blaming me for possibly loosing your job? That's kinda what it sounds like.
Him: No. Too much trust too soon. Not blaming you for something that hasn't happened.
Me: Ok, this is a really strange out of the blue conversation.
Him:I just need to slow myself down apparently. Might not be ready for a new friend.
Me: Ok, I guess i'm glad you figured that our sooner rather than later.

**** Two hours later ****
Him: I see you as a good wife potential and excellent step mom too, but you're not single yet. Small town boys don't like that kind of attraction.
Me: Lol... I'm single, maybe not officially but in my heart I am. Feel free to look up my divorce on the Snohomish County Website. It sounds like your looking for excuses. You don't need an excuse. It's fine.

**** Five hours later ****
Him: I could have been shot! By your estranged husband or by some good old boy in town here. Flirting with a married woman isn't sitting so well with me.
Me: Ok, enough with the excuses, i'm done hearing them.
Him: Excuses?
Me: Your a grown man who has the ability to make your own choices. With the amount of weird stuff that you've come up with today i'm really taken aback by the behavior.
Him: I had a manic Monday.
Me: Obviously.
Him: Ok. I have local women wanting me to be their roommates. Attractive single moms with jobs too.
Me: Umm, Congrats on that?
Me: Am I supposed to be jealous because it's not working.
Me: So, you go enjoy your single moms of Stanwood club and i'm going to go find someone who is able to confidently keep up with me without feeling like they have to constantly prop themselves up. I've been there, done that and am not interested in going back to that. Take care George, I truly hope life works out for you.
Him: I've been mothered too much by my mom the scout mother. Sorry, things are better off.
Me: That's perfect because I am absolutely not interested in being someone's mother. Now that you've taken time to take a crack at me for being a scout mom to my son, I hope it makes you feel better. Does it make you feel more like a man?
Him:Wow. You missed your counselor appointment on Thursday didn't you?
Me: Hahaha, Take care George. Do me a favor, loose my number.

... at that point George got blocked from my phone and facebook. I'm dating depressed. These guys are just a waste of time and it's frustrating. I know that i'm not divorced, I thought my first divorce was bad this has been so much worse. I'm also very upfront about not being fully divorced. Trust me, if H2 would just pay me back what he owes me (we're talking in the double digit thousands here) i'd happily sign a paper and walk away. Sometimes I just want to throw in the towel because there is a part of me that is convinced that they're all just a waste of time.. and FYI George, H2 married someone else behind my back, I don't think he's going to have much interest in who i'm dating.


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